Puerto Rico Earthquake Relief

Thousands of people in Puerto Rico are suffering as the result of the earthquakes that have devastated communities on the island. Many are now living in shelters or on the streets because their homes have been destroyed or for fear that another earthquake will strike. This natural disaster comes at a time when the residents of Puerto Rico are still recovering from the physical and psychological effects of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. It is once again time to come together in an effort to provide our family with the necessary support to help them rebuild their lives.

Below are links to some of the ways you can help. Please consider donating money, basic need items, or your time.


1. La donación de suministros a las áreas más afectadas del país por el terremoto ha sido un éxito. Esta página pretende ser un vehículo de distribución equitativa para estos suministros, administrada por la misma gente que dona, y que recibe. Para que la ayuda no falte donde se necesita, ni sobre donde ya la tengan.


2. Support for providers in Puerto Rico: Direct services providers are showing signs of burnout / exhaustion and need support. If you are willing/able to be of support, please sign up here.

We will distribute the directory to the Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico (APPR).

3. Emergency supplies: There is a need for diapers for people of all ages and hygiene products. Drs. Silma Quiñones and Ivelisse Torres Fernandez recommend sending donations to the APPR ATH móvil, via Venmo (Silma) or Paypal (Ivelisse).

    • Para pagar con ATH Móvil escoja la opción "Pagar a un negocio" (Pay a business) en la aplicación. Luego escriba las sigla de la Asociación (/APPR).
    • For Venmo: You can find “Silma Quiñones 787-593-7732”
    • For PayPal: Please look for [email protected] 

4. Red Cross: Click here.

5. Drs. Cristalís Capielo Rosario and Melanie Domenech-Rodríguez have put together a GoogleDoc with information about different initiatives and requests. You can use this GoogleDoc  to add information you have about communities or organizations in Puerto Rico that need help or to find ways to help.

6. The Hispanic Federation has a team on the ground — and a vast network of nonprofits it’s actively supporting and working with in Puerto Rico — that is ready to provide emergency relief and long-term support to those affected by the quake and the ensuing aftershocks. Thousands of solar lamps are being made available for distribution, as well as emergency funds for local health and human service providers working in affected communities. Furthermore, through our partnership with the University of Puerto Rico, our mental health initiative is already providing mental health services across the island focused on trauma therapy after natural disasters.
